Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Monterey Baby Shower

A few weeks ago my co-workers had a shower for me. I had a great time, got some wonderful gifts and got some awesome surprises set up by my friend Kaitlyn:)

I had my 30 week checkup last week and everything is looking great! I am measuring on the small side but my doctor is not concerned, she believes I just have a little guy:) Nugget is approximately the size of a head of cabbage measuring around 3lbs! Baby will have a growth spurt and start gaining about 1/2 lb each week until he comes.
We are starting to get anxious to meet and hold him:) Not too much longer to go!

These are my latest projects! 
My first quilt!
Knitted blanket with soft minky sewn on the back

Friday, February 8, 2013

28 weeks!

Third (and final) trimester!!! Only 12 weeks more weeks till we meet our lil Nugget:) We are beginning to prepare for Nugget's arrival. Our office is slowly converting into a nursery:) We are signed up for birthing classes next month and a tour of the hospital. Happily, I will be delivering at the hospital that I have been working at and it is only a 4 minute drive from our house! 
Baby is approximately the size of a chinese cabbage, weighing in around 2.5lbs. I thought I was feeling him a lot in the previous few weeks, but over the past few days he must have learned how to somersault or grab onto his feet! I am feeling his movements all the time and they are stronger and feel more purposeful. My favorite is when he stretches and pushes out on my belly:) I think I have felt him hiccuping a few times too. He has just about reached my ribs so I have felt the occasional kick to my ribs.
His heartbeat is strong enough now for me to hear very faintly with my stethoscope when he is in the right position! He has learned to open his eyes and blink and will react to bright lights. He is really starting to pack on the fat and will triple his weight by his birthday. 
Everything went well at my doctor's appointment. Still measuring well and his heartbeat was strong and fast:) We have had a good two weeks with no problems!

Happy 29th Birthday Babe! We love you<3