Thursday, January 10, 2013

24 weeks!

24 weeks!! Met with my doctor this week. Baby's heartbeat sounded great and my uterus is measuring right where it should be, so Nugget should be right on track for growth. He is around 1.25-1.5lbs and approximately 12 inches (or an ear of corn:) His lungs are now developed and producing surfactant that will help inflate his lungs once he takes his first breath. Nugget's taste buds are developing and everything I eat he gets a taste of(i bet he will love chocolate)! He is able to hear outside noises including his barking brothers and loud noises can even startle him. I am feeling him move even more these days sometimes it feels like he is doing the wave:)  Now that he has a sense of touch and he is able to feel my hand on my belly and will squirm or kick it!

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