Thursday, December 13, 2012

20 weeks!

20 weeks and growing!

I had my 20 week appointment today with my OBGYN. Baby nugget and mommy appear to be right on track! I had been on modified bed rest for a bit for some complications but everything checked out ok today! I need to start slow back into things but I excited to get back to a normal routine! I am feeling Nugget move around a lot more and Lucas was able to see my belly moving where the baby was kicking:)
Nugget is approximately the size of a cantaloupe curled up and the length of a banana stretched out.

While on bed rest a friend taught me to knit so this was my first project! Nugget's first hat:)

Friday, December 7, 2012

Anatomy Sonogram

A lot happened in week 18! I finally caved and bought some maternity jeans. They are not as bad as I originally thought and I am much more comfortable in them, although, I was enjoying wearing sweat pants everyday:) My bump is making some progress, in the right clothes the bump looks like a baby bump rather then a beer belly! We put up our tree and decorated our place for the first time in four years! The most exciting part of the week was feeling Nugget move!! The first few times I felt something I was not sure if it was him or just my stomach rumbling but the other morning I knew for sure it was him. I felt a little kick and when I looked down at my belly I felt it again a few more times and could see my belly move where I felt the kicks! I have a felt it a few more times since then. The movements are too subtle for Lucas to feel but I am sure that will come soon enough:)

Today at 19weeks and 1day was our level 2 anatomy scan to check all his little parts and make sure he is measuring within normal expectations. Everything looked great! His heart was beating at a rate of 136 and we were able to see the 4 chambers of the heart and the blood being pumped through. The tech was able to show us his bladder, kidneys, diaphragm, brain, spine, umbilical cord and the placenta. We were able to tell that his eyes were open because the tech pointed out his retina! We also confirmed his male status even though it was pretty obvious on the last scan, we wanted to make sure. Lucas is completely convinced that he will be a thumb sucker since this will be the third time it appears that his thumb is in his mouth. His favorite position appears to be with his legs crossed, 1 hand by his head and 1 hand in his mouth. Nugget was a bit of a wiggle worm for the exam today and we were unable to get a profile shot nor a length measurement. His approximate weight was 10oz and all the other measurements of body parts put Nugget within normal range for his gestational age. At this week gestation most babies measure around 6 inches and are about the size of a large mango.

nugget with his closed hand right near his mouth (appears to be sucking his thumb)

you can see his retina

confirming nugget is a boy:)

legs crossed

chambers of the heart with blood flowing



We also celebrated our first baby's 6th birthday today! Brody enjoyed his birthday by playing catch, going to the park and swimming with his brother, eating apples and carrots and getting a new bone:)

Friday, November 23, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy turkey day! I have so much to be thankful for! Over the past year I have had the pleasure of celebrating the marriage and engagement of  several  friends and family members, I started a wonderful new job, celebrated my first anniversary and of course baby Nugget:)

I cooked my first turkey and thanksgiving feast! We enjoyed a quite day of football and food with a friend at our home. A very different holiday from past years spent with lots of wine, games, tofu turkeys and family. We look forward to having a new addition to celebrate with next year:)

17 weeks and growing! (turnip size this week)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

16 weeks!!!

Today was our 16 week appointment!! We were pretty anxious about this appointment because we knew there was the potential to find out if Nugget is a boy or a girl! 
Lucas was convinced we were not going to be able to see just yet but baby was fast asleep enjoying the lunch I just had and gave us the perfect shot:) 

Nugget's Face

Baby is looking healthy and appears to be a thumb sucker:) We are beyond excited for our new baby boy! I will be completely outnumbered in our household come May!


Our boys were very excited to be adding another brother to the family:)
Lucas is also very excited and has already starting thinking about all the "toys" he can buy for Nugget!

 16 week bump shoots! Nugget is approximately the size of an avocado now! Any day now I should be able to feel Nugget flipping around!
A little bit bigger

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1st Trimester Screening

Today we went for an ultrasound to look at specific anatomy of the baby and determine the risks of certain birth defects. The tech said everything looked good but the final results will be from the doctor later in the week. 
Lucas was finally able to see what I saw last week! Lucas was just as excited and shocked as I was to see how much the baby has grown since we saw him/her last. Nugget was bouncing around a bit in there and Lucas thinks he saw him/her sucking it's thumb. We were able to see the baby's brain, heart, stomach and vertebrae. It is so amazing to see the arms and legs moving about. The tech showed us the umbilical cord and placenta and blood flowing through it to our baby. I asked if she could see any male or female parts but she said it was a little to early to see anything. I guess I will just have to wait till my 20 week appointment. Our appointment was at 12wks 5dys and Nugget measured at 13wks 1 dy and 6.92cm (approximately the size of a lime). It is hard to believe that the 8wk ultrasound measured him/her at a tiny 1.3cm (approximately the size of a kidney bean)!

Nugget chillin with his/her legs crossed

Profile shot (look at his/her big brain;)

View of Nuggets face (his/her arm is up by it's head and you can also see the hemispheres of the brain)