Tuesday, October 23, 2012

1st Trimester Screening

Today we went for an ultrasound to look at specific anatomy of the baby and determine the risks of certain birth defects. The tech said everything looked good but the final results will be from the doctor later in the week. 
Lucas was finally able to see what I saw last week! Lucas was just as excited and shocked as I was to see how much the baby has grown since we saw him/her last. Nugget was bouncing around a bit in there and Lucas thinks he saw him/her sucking it's thumb. We were able to see the baby's brain, heart, stomach and vertebrae. It is so amazing to see the arms and legs moving about. The tech showed us the umbilical cord and placenta and blood flowing through it to our baby. I asked if she could see any male or female parts but she said it was a little to early to see anything. I guess I will just have to wait till my 20 week appointment. Our appointment was at 12wks 5dys and Nugget measured at 13wks 1 dy and 6.92cm (approximately the size of a lime). It is hard to believe that the 8wk ultrasound measured him/her at a tiny 1.3cm (approximately the size of a kidney bean)!

Nugget chillin with his/her legs crossed

Profile shot (look at his/her big brain;)

View of Nuggets face (his/her arm is up by it's head and you can also see the hemispheres of the brain)

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