Wednesday, November 14, 2012

16 weeks!!!

Today was our 16 week appointment!! We were pretty anxious about this appointment because we knew there was the potential to find out if Nugget is a boy or a girl! 
Lucas was convinced we were not going to be able to see just yet but baby was fast asleep enjoying the lunch I just had and gave us the perfect shot:) 

Nugget's Face

Baby is looking healthy and appears to be a thumb sucker:) We are beyond excited for our new baby boy! I will be completely outnumbered in our household come May!


Our boys were very excited to be adding another brother to the family:)
Lucas is also very excited and has already starting thinking about all the "toys" he can buy for Nugget!

 16 week bump shoots! Nugget is approximately the size of an avocado now! Any day now I should be able to feel Nugget flipping around!
A little bit bigger

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